Category: Economics

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The Structure and Functionality of the Australian Carbon Market

The carbon market in Australia comprises both voluntary and compliance elements, allowing various participants to engage in...

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Implications of Trading Natural Assets on the Stock Market: Environmental and...

Preface: In a world where environmental sustainability is of paramount importance, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)...

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ESG: The Cornerstone of Sustainable Business – Nurturing Environmental and Economic...

In a world facing unprecedented challenges, the paradigm of business success is shifting towards a more holistic...

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The Green Finance Imperative: Bridging the Oversight Void in Environmental and...

Introduction Our planet faces an imminent need for comprehensive measures to address environmental and social risks in...

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The Economic Imperative of Revaluing Nature in Accounting Models

Introduction The intricate and vibrant tapestry of the natural world has long been the foundation of human...

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Banks and Private Finance: A Dual Approach to Accelerating The Green...

The article proposes accelerating the green transition through a dual approach involving banks and private finance. Firstly,...

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Unmasking Greenwashing: The Intricate Dance of Corporate Profiteering and Corruption

Introduction  The escalating climate crisis necessitates the global urgency for substantial environmental stewardship. This impetus, while triggering...

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The Power of Impact Investing: Driving Sustainable Growth and Social Progress

Executive Summary This article explores the positive effects of impact investing on macro and microeconomics, highlighting its role in...

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The OceanBlocks take on Regenerative Finance (ReFi)

The scientific evidence and warning signs from the natural environment signal that humanity must take firm action...

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The American Carbon Offset Market Disappoints Investors

The long-awaited hopes of experts to reignite trust in the faltering carbon offset market were dashed this...

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